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What is a school uniform management solution?
Skolah school uniform management solutions are designed by us with our school customers. It helps streamline the process of managing school uniforms, reduces administrative burden, and provides schools with greater control over uniform inventory and usage.
We are uniform manufacturer in Malaysia for over 20 years
Having our own production allows us to ensure our customers school uniforms are of high quality, meet customer demands, and are produced efficiently. Importantly, it allows us to respond quickly to customer demand.
Pass your school uniform hassle to us! Don't be like Jason.
We understand the challenge for schools to handle their day-to-day operations, and at times schools have overlooked their school uniform inventory. We have a proven solution to help school better manage its school uniform from day to day hassle.
Pass your school uniform hassle to us!
We work with schools in partnership so that:
The school holds zero school uniform inventory to avoid excess orders. We help schools manage their school uniform inventory.
We help the school set up an online web-store platform to allow parent and student direct purchase of school uniforms.
We provide school uniform delivery to the parents and students doorsteps.
Parents directly communicate with us to amend or exchange faulty uniform products.
School Uniform Management Solution
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